Thursday 9 June 2016

Unit 1

Text Box: How effective is a blog for the purpose of communication [M1]

                                                           TASK C
Positive – Blog Communication
  • Blog is a website or webpage where people post and share ideas, typically run by an individual or small groups
  • The main purpose of blog is to reduce cost, for an example when you want to share some opinion or to publish something all over the world
Blogs enables peoples share thoughts/information with the world, the good thing you can earn money by posting good quality blogs and using Google Adsense, by posting you can also see others thought through feedbacks and comments, using blog you can massage someone text videos and attachments even links as well using blog, Blogs unit people because you meet new people on blogs and also some of the companies uses blogs to advertise their new goods, trading business uses blogs to survey,
Negative – Blog Communication
Blogs have little privacy as anyone who has a blog can view your blog and copy anything you post, bulling on blogs it is easy because anyone can get access to your blog, the moment you post image it is no longer yours only because people might steal or copy your image, people they don’t respect others on blogs .

Text Box: How effective is a blog for the purpose of communication [M1]

                                                                   TASK C
Positive – Blog Communication
  • Blog is a website or webpage where people post and share ideas, typically run by an individual or small groups
  • The main purpose of blog is to reduce cost, for an example when you want to share some opinion or to publish something all over the world
Blogs enables peoples share thoughts/information with the world, the good thing you can earn money by posting good quality blogs and using Google Adsense, by posting you can also see others thought through feedbacks and comments, using blog you can massage someone text videos and attachments even links as well using blog, Blogs unit people because you meet new people on blogs and also some of the companies uses blogs to advertise their new goods, trading business uses blogs to survey,
Negative – Blog Communication
Blogs have little privacy as anyone who has a blog can view your blog and copy anything you post, bulling on blogs it is easy because anyone can get access to your blog, the moment you post image it is no longer yours only because people might steal or copy your image, people they don’t respect others on blogs .

Unit 1 Communication In Computing

Student Name
Mannasah Muzika
BTEC L3 Diploma & Extended Diploma in IT
Unit Number and Title
1 – Communications and Employability Skills
Assignment Number and Title
2 Personal Development
Centre name
Centre number
Assessor name

Issue date
19th January 2016
Due date
4th March 2016
Submission date

Learner’s Declaration

I certify that the work I have submitted for this assignment via E-Zone is my own and any sources have been accurately referenced.
Signed:Mannasah Muzika

Assessor’s Declaration

I certify that the Learner named above has completed the work submitted.
Internal verifier’s comments:
Name of Assessor:    
Kalpesh Sagar

  • Label all your work with your name and student ID number. Use headers/footers to insert page numbers.
  • Use this coversheet to show where in your work each of the tasks is covered.
  • By submitting your work via E-Zone, you are declaring that the work is your own. If the work has is found to not be your own, your assignment will be returned to you unmarked.

Summary of learning outcomes
LO4 : Be able to address personal development needs

This assignment covers the Merit and Distinction criteria for this unit. You must complete Assignment 1 to pass Unit 1.

Assessors Comments
Assessors comments will be inserted into your work as well as using the comments box on Moodle. Please use these comments to make improvements to your work where necessary.
Colour-Coded Feedback for Electronically-Submitted Coursework
Lecturers will use different colours to highlight text that needs improvement inside the electronically-submitted assignments. Here are the colours and their meaning:
Pink    - English error (i.e. grammar or spelling mistake)
Green  - Knowledge error (i.e. wrong subject-related statements)
Blue    - Irrelevant entry (i.e. not relevant to  the assessment criteria)
Yellow - Low-quality entry (i.e. lack of detail, unclear, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete) 
Red     - Plagiarism (i.e. use of others work as your own)

Assessment criteria
Assessors feedback
Review draft documents to produce final versions
Original PDP
Peer Comments added in your PDP
Improved PDP
Written explanation of any Peer comments are unjustified.  Explain why.
Explain how an awareness of learning style can aid personal development
Written report
Evaluate interpersonal and written communication techniques
Short report
Max. 500 words
Review progress on a personal development plan, identifying areas for improvement
Development Plan


Resubmission must be within 10 working days of your first feedback.

Resubmission authorisation


Requirements for resubmission / Task set:
Date set:
Date due:
Date submitted:
Feedback on resubmission:
Criteria achieved
after resubmission:
Assessor’s signature:


Assignment 2

Unit 1 – Communications and Employability Skills


You have been working as an IT Systems manager for CONEL for several years now. Your responsibilities include: recruiting and hiring new technical staff, training new staff members, installing and upgrading software, providing recommendations and purchasing PCs for the college.

As part of your role, you are required to identify possible barriers to communication and how you can help staff overcome these.

You are also committed to improving communication and encouraging people to develop on a professional and personal level.

Task 1: Proof reading & reviewing documents
Proof reading and reviewing document is both necessary and essential in the professional work place and in college. In this task you will review someone else’s work as well as your own to produce a final document.
A: Personal Statements
Use your personal statement that you created for your PDP here.
Exchange your personal statement with someone else in your class.
1)      Review your colleagues personal statement and provide them with comments/feedback
2)      Use your colleague’s feedback of your personal statement to make any changes that you think are required.
3)      If you think that changes are unjustified then you must explain why
4)      Review your personal statement also and make any changes necessary.
5)      Provide copies of the original documentation and the final documentation
I have reviewed my peer comments and I agreed some of his comments  but on the sections of hobbies I don’t think hobbies will help me  to the course I am studying because what I know is that hobbies is soothing you do for your leisure time  apart from that all his comments to me does make sense I need to change some of the things on my PDP you can notice it when you read it
Thank you

Task 2: Evaluating interpersonal and written communication techniques.
Evaluate the interpersonal and written communication techniques that you have used in this unit or other units on your course.
Write a short report outlining why good interpersonal and written communication techniques are essential for students studying on BTEC National Level 3 courses.  You have a maximum word count of 500 words.

Task 2


 To begin with, interpersonal skills are life skills we all use every day to communicate and interact with others. Writing skills are important as part of communication because good writing skills allows a person to pass clear message and faster without a barrier.

I would like to point out that a good interpersonal and written communications are important for students studying BTEC Level 3 course. Firstly BTEC Level 3 involves presentations and essay writing which means you must be able to write and communicate effectively and be good at writing. When we are studying interpersonal skills, one of the most factors present in the analysis of social aspect of learning is related to communication skill on how to communicate with others. Are you able to communicate effectively and pass the message clear to the receiver? Therefore, awareness of other’s interpersonal skills helps us enormously in dealing with bad habits of people at colleges. For example; you find the communicator unattractive just because of appearance and you simply do not pay attention because you are not interested neither about the topic being discussed and you are not focus. This won’t help you because you will be the one left behind and also your chances to fail will be high since BTEC courses needs concentration. Being focus interpersonal skills covers lot of things which is very important when you are studying level 3. For example, being self-confident normally it does happen when you know what you are doing which does secure yourself and your abilities. Teachers will be willing to help you and encourage you to do more but if you don’t have that no one will bother to show or teach you if you are not interested and you don’t put your effort when it comes to presentations in class. Having good interpersonal skills and using strong positive body language and eye contact will connect you with the listeners and focus more intensely on you.

written communication involves any type of interaction that makes use of the written word, therefore students who are studying BTEC level 3 supposed to have good written communication skills for example grammar helps students to communicate efficiently because when you write your assignments and you don’t use correct grammar then the teacher or other people will not be able to understand , also spellings are important because if you use wrong spelling other person might misunderstand either your letter or assignment submission ,using punctuation correctly is extremely important because if you don’t use it correctly, punctuation can change the meaning of whole text you wrote on the essay. There are also elements in written communication students must know such as structure an easy, layout your essay should have paragraphs and proper heading, styles usage of same font size and colour on the same paragraph and content either is it formal or informal it is important because if you write a letter to your tutor must be formal if not they will not look at it

Task 4: Reviewing your skills
Learning styles tests and quizzes have become commonplace in education and employment. It is helpful to know what type of learner a potential new employee is in order to develop their skills in the workplace.
Research has shown that after identifying learning skills, both employers and individuals, improve their working practice.
A: Improving skills using your learning style
Consider the three most common learning styles. Explain how, if people are aware of their preferred learning style how can they use this knowledge to make their learning more effective.
In your explanation, consider:
  • How they use the knowledge of their learning style in their working day
  • The impact of them developing new skills
  • How they gain an understanding of the subject
B: Reviewing your personal development
Review your PDP and identify areas for improvement
  • Create a development plan for yourself for the next 6 months (April – October). Your plan should include:
    • How you identified the skills you need to develop
    • Why you need to develop the above skills
    • How you will develop these skills
    • What the impact of gaining these new skills will be

Task 4 – M3

Consider the three most common learning styles. Explain how, if people are aware of their preferred learning style how can they use this knowledge to make their learning more effective.

In your explanation, consider:

  • How they use the knowledge of their learning style in their working day
  • The impact of them developing new skills
  • How they gain an understanding of the subject


What it means Learning style?

Learning style is the way which an individual tries to learn, also it includes how they approach learning, experience and how do they gather information, furthermore how you present something is often as important as what you present or say determine what you have understood and knowledge you gain from the subject

How they use the knowledge of their learning style in their working day

In life we have different learning styles, ways that makes other people gather information and manage to accomplish their projects in easy, some students have visual approach learning, someone who learn or remember something by visualizing things into information has visual learning style, for example at college mostly travel and tourism students visualizing things when they are doing assignments because they travel different places, visiting exhibitions and also by remembering the place you recall the information fast and easy which is relevant to their subject and they recall by imaginations things to accomplish their projects and assignments

Some students learn differently Auditory, for example at college students like me learn or gather information through listening from the teacher, approaches teacher asking for help and extra work to develop themselves, also when they read they use skimming method through looking pictures and charts in order to say out loud what they think, during study time this type of learning prefers to study with friends so that they can talk about information sharing ideas and also helps them to remember place and where it was with who.

Kinaesthetic students learn through experience with their hands or bodies movements, also enjoys learning using tools or practical lessons which involves active participation for example ICT students prefers practical lessons than theory lessons, study with background music which helps them to concentrate, when they learn new things or information make task cards or flash card this helps them to process the information

Analytic think students normally this students learn fast for example and college, students who studies maths are analytic thinkers because they make the based on logic, facts and common sense, prefers to work at quiet environmental design especially when they are working with numbers in order to focus

The impact of them developing new skills


The advantage is that it makes recollection easier when in an environment different from where you had learned the information you see pictures similar to one you learned you are easily to recall the information however the disadvantage is that visual learning is a style which is difficulty you experience when you only texts and speeches are available for learning without visual you will find yourself strangling


The kinaesthetic learning style has the advantage of exposing learners faster to practice and evidence: You learn as you practice and practice what you learn for example we learnt how to dismantle computer and now I know how to do it since the day I learn it from Unit 13, you see the evidence of what you had digested with difficulty from texts or discussions. However, where there are no places to move to for such live experience and nobody to interactive with, you is at a disadvantage because you are not able to carry out that task.


Reading / writing learner has an advantage of fast or good memory, also they are more independent and the advantage of that is they learn fast and also themselves by reading and taking notes thought they face disadvantage of not being able to learn easily where only medium of instructions of visual or audio.

How they gain an understanding of the subject

 Learning the subject matter as there is a challenges you face, depending on which subject you are studying, but to make your life easy and you to understand the subject easy and fast nowadays there’s some websites you can visit and read relevant information to what you are looking for, or to use applications software to learn by yourself during your spare time, also if you are a visual learn you have to be involved in many activity so that you will gather information in different places , also you to understand the subject you need to do yourself research, and also seek for help to the teachers in order to be more familiar with the subject,

 Create a development plan for yourself for the next 6 months (April – October). Your plan should include:

How you identified the skills you need to develop

Written communication I have spent this period of April to October reviewing my assignments feedback from my teachers, and also the format of how I wrote my work before and now i format my work, I have noticed that i don’t think about the words sometimes I use also my grammar and punctuation is not good and spelling mistakes when I wrote my assignments.

Presentation skills I have been involved in presentations activities which was for unit 1 and unit 12&13, though my presentation I deliver that everybody can hear, I lack confidence when I am presenting and became too nervous meaning presentation seemed slight rushed so that I can calm myself, also I didn’t use enough body and eye contact to engage with audience

Visual skills is affecting my learning style especially when it comes to visualizing things into information, and also I found myself difficulty to use pictures and graphical information because it is difficult for me to listen to an audiotape recording of that book I just cannot follow the story line.

Leadership as depute class Rap I went to a meeting for the first time, during the meeting I found it difficult to point out our problems as students as I was nervous and shaking to meeting the head of school because I lost confidence and concentration, in class I feel like I am young to lead older people to me which makes me scared to approach students and encourage them to do right thing at the right time.

Why you need to develop the above skills

have good written communication skills for example grammar helps you to communicate efficiently because when you write your assignments and you don’t use correct grammar then the teacher or other people will not be able to understand , also spellings are important because if you use wrong spelling other person might misunderstand either your letter or assignment submission ,using punctuation correctly is extremely important because if you don’t use it correctly, punctuation can change the meaning of whole text you wrote on the essay.

As a student should have good presentation skills which includes body, eye contact and also your self-confidence, you need to have attractive format of presentation and confidence which enables you to be comfortable in front of audience and also by having clear tone you pass your massage easy, everybody can hear without difficulties, also to have eye contact with audience draw audience attention so that they will pay attention to you what you are trying to saying.

How you will develop these skills

To develop my written communication skills i think rather than writing long sentence with no sense is better for me to write short sentence with meaning, also to know how to format my text to have paragraphs this allows for white space and improve readability too my teachers, also to use punctuation at the right time, and capitalize characters, also to be clear so that my reader will not figure out what I am trying to say also to do proof reading everything after I finished my work and use spell checker to correct mistakes

Presentations skills – during visual presentations I have to make sure I have everything needed to be shown for example PowerPoint slides with information with some images and illustrations, I have to look good and professional and well confident, I have to make sure everyone is listening by using eye contact, and to make it exciting by grabbing audience attention with some jokes and attractive images and mostly I have to use body language as it shows that I know what I am doing.

Visual Skills – I will practise more to use graphical information, also learn how to visualize things I learnt or saw long time ago.

What the impact of gaining these new skills will be

By gaining these skills enables you to communicate effectively in written and verbal communication without barrier, also by gaining presentation skills you build your confidence and be able to be prepared to present a presentation as a professional because you will be using this skills such as body language eye contact to engage with audience, leadership you will be able to take a lead without hesitations and also you will lead by example that your team  will follow doing right things not bad things, Visual makes a great impact (it can have far more impact to see news film of a disaster than to read about it, or to present something inform of a video has great impact that your audience will see practically what you are trying to say than just so present on the paper, or by mouth. Also this skills helps use to be more professional and to be more presentable in front of people.


Hope you will find it interesting done by Mannasah Muzika